Hints and Tips

Stay Safe on Wet Roads

The best way to stay safe on the roads when it is wet is to be somewhere warm and dry well away from your car.
As nice as that sounds, unfortunately this isn’t always a practical solution! Below are some hints on how to drive safely on wet roads regardless if you are doing long haul highway driving or making the trip to the shops and back.

Take Your Time It is better to be a few minutes late than dealing with the inconvenient aftermath of an accident.
Slow down and leave even more distance between you and the vehicle in front, even more so if this is a truck or a bus.

See & Be Seen

Turn your lights on to low beam if travelling during the day or in town limits.
Only use high beam where you won’t negatively impact other drivers.
Remember to keep a sharp eye out for motor bikes, cyclists and pedestrians.

Avoid Water on The Road

It goes without saying that you should never drive through flood waters.
However it is also good policy to avoid puddles.
Water splashing up into your car’s engine compartment might damage internal electrical systems or a pothole under the water could damage a rim or knock your suspension out of alignment.
If you don’t know how deep it is, avoid it.

See Your Way Clear

Rain can cause your windscreen to fog up quickly.
Use your demisters and the air conditioner to keep your windows clear.
Superior quality windscreen wipers are a must.
Make sure you replace your wipers at least once a year to ensure they are in peak condition when you need them.


If you do happen to find yourself in a skid, try not to panic and stamp on the brakes.
Just gently ease your foot of the accelerator and steer in the direction you want the car to go.
Tyres Count! Don’t put off replacing worn tyres, they are the only thing that keeps your car in contact with the road.
See here for information on checking your tyre tread.